March 2025 Monthly Message

1 John 5:3: "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”

1 John 5:3 states that "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments," essentially meaning that the true expression of love for God is demonstrated by actively obeying His commands; it's not just about professing love, but putting it into action by following His guidelines, which are not burdensome to those who genuinely love Him.

Key points about this verse:

  • Love through obedience: The verse directly links love for God with obedience to His commandments, signifying that following God's instructions is a concrete way to show love. 
  • Not a burden: The phrase "his commandments are not burdensome" indicates that when motivated by love, following God's laws is not a heavy or difficult task. 
  • Authenticity of faith: This verse emphasizes that true faith in God is not just about believing, but also about living according to His will through obedience.

A Christian who does not love God or keep His commandments is of little effective use in the body of Christ. This is true even though he or she might be involved in much ministry and hold an official position of service in the church. When our love and obedience for God grows cold, we do not only harm ourselves – we harm our brothers and sisters also. The damage is done, at the very least, because we are a “drag” on the spiritual progress of God’s people. If we will not love and obey God for our own sake, then we should at least do it out of love for others.

To love God is also to keep His commandments. The one who says he loves God, yet walks in a lifestyle of conscious disobedience is like the believer who says he walks in fellowship with God, yet walks in darkness (as in 1 John 1:6) – he is lying. Surely, John had the words of Jesus in mind: If you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15). Simply, love for God will show itself in obedience. “Christians frequently attempt to turn love for God into a mushy emotional experience, but John does not allow this in his epistle.”

Some Christians feel very burdened by the commandments of God, yet John insists that they are not burdensome:

His commandments are not burdensome when we see how wise and good the commandments of God are. They are gifts from Him to show us the best and most fulfilling life possible. God’s commands are like the “manufacturer’s handbook” for life; He tells us what to do because He knows how we work best. God’s commands are not given to bind or to pain us, or because God is like an irritated old man.

His commandments are not burdensome because when we are born again, we are given new hearts – hearts which by instinct wish to please God. As part of the New Covenant, the law of God has been written on the heart of every believer (Jeremiah 31:33).

His commandments are not burdensome when we compare them to the religious rules men make up. John is not trying to say obedience is an easy thing. If that were so, then it would be easy for us to not sin, and John has already acknowledged that we all do sin (1 John 1:8). John is thinking of the contrast Jesus made between the religious requirements of the religious leaders of His day, and the simplicity of loving God and following Him. Jesus said all the rules and regulations of the Scribes and Pharisees were as heavy burdens (Matthew 23:4). In contrast, Jesus said of Himself, My yoke is easy and My burden is light (Matthew 11:30). Instead of the burdensome requirement to keep hundreds of little rules and regulations, Jesus simply says to us, “Love Me and love my people, and you will walk in obedience.”

His commandments are not burdensome when we really love God. When we love God, we will want to obey Him and please Him. When you love someone, it seems little trouble to go to a lot of difficulty to help or please that person. You enjoy doing it, though if you had to do it for an enemy, you would be complaining all the time. Just as the seven years of Jacob’s service for Laban seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for Rachel (Genesis 29:18), so obeying God’s commands does not seem a burden when we really love Him. An old proverb says, “Love feels no loads.”